Balkan Real Estate Investment Construction and Valuation

Our first panel is bringing together experts to discuss about real estate affected by coronavirus crisis. Join discussion of our panelists on 22nd April at 14 CET. Stay tuned for more information.
Naš prvi panel okuplja eksperte za razgovor na temu uticaja koronavirusa na tržište nekretnina. Priključite se 22. aprila u 14h. Pratite nas za više informacija.

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Automated valuation model – AVM

The future is here! Automated valuation model – AVM – is a new tool which will help banks, financial institutions and all other users to

Časopis nauka + praksa

Kliknite na ovaj tekst ili naslovnu stranu kako bi ste pročitali kompletan časopis 0 0 votes Article Rating

Drugi panel: Inspekcija nepokretnosti

KLIKNITE OVDE DA SE PRIJAVITE NA WEBINAR Pridružite se CPD webinaru (2 boda) koji će biti organizovan 05. marta 2022. godine u 10:00 h kako

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