Zašto su nekretnine vredne?


Naizgled jednostavno pitanje, ali sa toliko mnogo mogućih pravih odgovora. Nekretnine su oduvek bile vredne stvari. Ljudi su zbog zemljišta, dvoraca, šuma, puteva, kuća i zgrada često ratovali jer su smatrali da ove stvari imaju određenu vrednost. I bili su potpuno u pravu. Nekretnine danas predstavljaju jedno od najbitnijih pokretača nacionalnih privrednih sistema, pa i globalne ekonomije.

Ključ je u zemljištu

Vrednost nekretnine potiče prvenstveno u zemljištu na kom se nalazi. Iako objekti koje čovek gradi vremenom propadaju, ili kako to građevinci često kažu, amortizuju se, zemljište na kom se nalaze ne može da nestane. Jedini izuzetak bile bi elementarne nepogode poput zemljotresa ili poplava koje mogu da unište zemljište, ali radi se o vrlo retkoj situaciji koju ćemo sada zanemariti.

Bitno je odmah uočiti ovu distinkciju: objekat i zemljište. Dok objekat vremenom gubi strukturalnu (ne obavezno i ekonomsku vrednost, pojasnićemo kasnije), zemljište na kom se nalazi po pravilu dobija na vrednosti. Razlog tome je što se područje na kom se određeno zemljište nalazi po pravilu razvija. Grade se ulice, dovodi infrastruktura – struja, voda, kanalizacija, gas – grade se objekti različite namene, od stambenih preko poslovnih do objekata javnog karaktera.

Sve ovo uvelike utiče na vrednost zemljišta. No, pored navedenih razloga, treba navesti i glavni. Zemljište je nemoguće stvoriti ili reprodukovati. Ne možete kupiti zemljište  i onda ga premestiti negde drugde. U tom smislu, zemljište je nekretnina u punom smislu reči. A kako raste broj stanovnika na određenom području, raste i potražnja za raspoloživim zemljištem. Suštinski razlog činjenice zašto zemljište vremenom dobija na vrednosti je nemogućnost da se premešta sa mesta na mesta.

Ponuda i potražnja

Kao i kod svih drugih roba i usluga, nekretnine su pod izrazitim uticajem zakona ponude i potražnje. Ukoliko potražnja za određenim nekretninama raste, rasti će im i cena. U suprotnom, u slučaju pada potražnje, cena će padati.Uprošćeno, ukoliko postoji veliki broj potencijalnih kupaca koji su spremni da potroše novac na nekretnine, prodavci će to brzo „osetiti“ i podići cene. Ako broj interesenata za nekretnine pada, ponuda raspoloživih nekretnina će se povećati, a cene će pasti.

Dakle, vrednost nekretnina nije stalna kategorija, nije nepromenjiva, već zavisi od efekata tržišta. Pojam vrednosti se može, pored ove, klasične interpretacije ekonomske vrednosti, shvatiti i na nekoliko drugih načina, no sada govorimo isključivo o vrednosti nekretnine izraženu kroz ekonomsku sferu. Nekretnina ima i upotrebnu, investicionu i mnoge druge koncepcije o vrednosti.

Kako odrediti vrednost nekretnine?

Ukoliko nemate ideju kako odrediti vrednost vaše nekretnine, a ta informacija Vam je potrebna bilo da biste obezbedili zajam kod banke, bilo zato što je potrebno podeliti imovinu sa drugim licima, zato što imate sopstveni biznis i ova informacija Vam je bitna zbog poslovnih knjiga, naš savet je da se obratite licenciranom procenitelju vrednosti nepokretnosti.

Ova lica su ovlašćeni stručnjaci za tržište nekretnina koji će sagledati sve faktore koji utiču na vrednost i dostaviti Vam elaborat ili procenu vrednosti nepokretnosti. Tada ćete imati mnogo jasniju sliku o tome koliko vredi Vaš stan, kuća, zemljište ili poslovni objekat.



Why is real estate valuable?

It seems like a perfectly simple question, but there are so many possible true answers. Real estate has always been a valuable thing. People have often waged wars because of land, castles, forests, roads, houses and buildings because they considered them to have certain value. And they were right about it. Real estate today is one of the most important elements of national economies, even the global economic system.

The land is the key

The value of real estate stems primarily out the land on which it stands. Althoug buildings humans construct gradually fail over time, or as the construction engineers like to say, they physically depreciate, the land on which they are cannot disappear. The only exception are extremely rare occurances like earthquakes or floods which can destroy the land, but we will ignore this rare situation.

It is important to notice the dinstinction between land and buildings. While a certain building will lose structural value over time (not necessarily the economic value, we will explain later), the land on which it is placed usually gains value over time. The reason for this is due to the development of the area where the land is situated. Streets are formed, infrastructure like electricity, water and sewage systems, gas is constructed, buildings of various purposes appear, from residential to commercial to public.

All of this greatly increases the value of the land itself. Yet, besides all these reasons, we need to name the primary reason. Land cannot be created or reproduced. You cannot buy land and then take it somewhere else. In that sense, land is immovable property in the full sense of the word. And as the population grows in an area, so does the demand for available land.  The essence of the value of land and the fact that it gradually appreciates in value comes from the fact that it is impossible to move it from one place to another.

Demand and supply

Just like all other goods and services, real estate is under the influence of the supply and demand law. If the demand for certain property increases, so will the price. Vice versa, in case the demand decreases, the prices will fall. To put it simply, if there is a great number of interested buyers who are willing to spend money on real estate, the sellers will quickly notice this and raise the prices. If the number of buyers decreases, the supply of available real estate will increase and the prices will fall.

Therefore, the value of real estate is not permanent, it is not set in stone, yet it depends on the effects of the market. The concept of value has several interpretations besides the classical, economic concept of value, but for the sake of this argument, we will keep with the value expressed through the economical view. Other concepts of value of real estate include usage value, investment value and many others.

How to determine the value of real estate?

If you do not know how to precisely determine the value of your property, a you need this information to secure a loan from your bank, or you need to share the propery with other people, or you have your own business and you need this information because of your financial records, our advice is to visit a licensed real estate valuer.

These people are real estate market experts which will know how to assess the diffent factors which determine the value and the deliver you a report, usually called an appraisal, on the market value of real estate. Then you will have a much better picture about the value of your hourse, apartment, land or commercial property.

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