The future of valuation
The future of valuation is bright RICS & NUPS-NAVS conference by moderator Uroš Novković with great experts panelists Srdjan Runjevac, Milovan Novaković and Muharem H Karamujic.
The future of valuation is bright RICS & NUPS-NAVS conference by moderator Uroš Novković with great experts panelists Srdjan Runjevac, Milovan Novaković and Muharem H Karamujic.
Geri Karolja br. 5,
21000 Novi Sad, Srbija
Tel: + 381 (0) 21 401 100
Fax: + 381 (0) 21 401 100
Milentija Popovića br. 1,
11070 Beograd, Srbija
Tel/fax: + 381 (0) 11 311 19 10
Tel/fax: + 381 (0) 11 311 19 10
Generala Bože Jankovića 44
18000 Niš, Srbija
Tel: + 381 (0) 60 51 44 779
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24000 Subotica, Srbija
Tel: + 381 (0) 24 264 433
Fax: + 381 (0) 24 264 433
Svetogorska 14a, stan 14s/12,
31315 Zlatibor, Srbija
Mobilni: + 381 (0) 65 251 44 77